Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saved from Terror

So I called my grandma today just to chat.  My grandmother is very much as close as a mother to me, both of my grandmothers are, actually.  They each consider me more their youngest child than their oldest grandchild.

Anyway, talking to Gma, and she is a woman who doesn't care for scary films.  She gets really horrible nightmares very easily, so she generally avoids anything scary.

So we're talking, and she begins to tell me about a movie that just came on that she was watching...

"It's not a recent film, it's got Jack Nicholson in it, and he's got a young son, and they are at this ski lodge type place and it's winter and it seems to be tense..."

"Grandma, change the channel immediately!"

I rescued Gma from The Shining.

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