Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dear Hugh Jackman -

Please realize you are gay. God love you, you are fantastic, a good actor, singer, dancer, all around bad ass when needed - but you are very, very gay. It upsets me you have not realized this. Would your family not approve? Society? Hollywood? You know what I say to all of that, Hugh Jackman? I say you gotta do what makes you happy. Everything else will fall into place.

Going to argue with me? Hugh, let's look at the facts. This is your wife.

Do you know how hot you are?

Do you know how successful you are?

Do you have a drinking problem?

And then there are the children that you and your wife/mom adopted...Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear about the reproductive issues you had as a couple. Wait, what? You didn't use your fame to talk about that, humanize a touchy subject? Oh, maybe that wasn't why. I know, I know...adopting for the humanitarian route! They are probably from some under priviledged country... Wait, what? They aren't? Normal Austrailian adopted kids?

Wow, Hugh. Wow.

Are you worried at what they'll think?

You know what? I think they'll understand. You seem a cool dad - and you are rich as hell, so you now, that cushions the blow.

So in closing, we all know.

love and kisses - j

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was over on Time For Some Stories, and was compelled to press the little picture of you when I saw it on the little side bar thingy.

So, Id just like to say - one random stranger in a far-off land to another - that you are gorgeous!

And if that brightens your day a bit, all the better.

PS. He probably is gay.